You can only act when you know about an issue. There are countries where conversations on climate change does not take place and as a result, people do not know what role they can play in reducing carbon footprint.
Poland is a country where 80% of the energy is still produced using coal. The country has also the most polluted air in Europe but there is zero education in schools about this important issue.
Schools want to train students on climate change, but the Minister of Education doesn’t see the need.
So the LEGO Group decided to use their toys to educate children about this grave challenge that the planet is facing.
Lego introduced ‘Green Instructions’ for a number of their sets to teach children how they can reduce the impact on the environment.
Children can now convert their car sets into bicycles, planes into electric trains, and coal mines into windmills!
To spread the message, the brand created online lessons on the instructions and introduced it in a number of schools. Teachers and students from 700+ schools gladly downloaded these instructions and learned more about this important matter.
A great example of a brand doing marketing with purpose.